
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Restoran Noodles House, Cyberjaya

Kali ini aku nak bawa korang ke Restoran Noodles House yang memperkenalkan mee tarik yang biasa dibuat di China. Betul, sekali aku makan aku terasa berada di China. Poyo kan? Hahaha.. 

Apa yang aku tahu, mee yang disediakan adalah mee yang dibuat sendiri. Rasanya memang berbeza dengan mee yang biasa kita beli di kedai sebab lebih enak dan kenyal. 

Restoran Noodles House di Cyberjaya. 

Aku dapat tahu yang restoran ini baru dibuka satu bulan yang lalu. Lokasinya berhampiran dengan Bank Islam. Nampak tak gambar kat tepi tu? Agaknya, itulah cara-cara mereka buat mee tarik tu.

Masa aku nak order makan, aku tak tahu apa nak pilih. Nasib baik pelayan yang ada rajin melayan pertanyaan aku sebelum mengambil keputusan untuk order makanan. Terima kasih ya. 

Menu dan borang order. Harga dari RM2-RM30 untuk satu hidangan tapi kebanyakannya harga RM8. 

Dah pilih makanan, hantar borang order ke kaunter cashier dan tunggu makanan dihantar ke meja. Air pula ambil sendiri mana yang suka dekat kaunter cashier. Pilihan air yang ada ialah air teh cina, sour plum, air suam dan beraneka air soda (yang picit-picit tu). 

Nak tahu apa yang aku makan?

Sate ayam dan kambing (RM2 secucuk). Suka sate kambing. Sedap.

Braised Beef Soup Noodle (RM8). 

Air sour plum (free).

Sambal lada yang sangat kick. Perrgh!! Baru terangkat makan.

Apa yang aku suka restoran ini, ada disediakan surau yang luas untuk solat. Bagus kan? Hiasan dalam kedai adalah simple tapi selesa. Ramai juga yang datang makan terutamanya waktu makan tengahari sampaikan terpaksa tambah meja. 

Secara keseluruhan, rasa makanan yang dihidangkan adalah bukan makanan yang biasa kita makan seperti makanan yang pedas, masin dan berempah. Antara sebab itulah ada disediakan sambal lada yang pedas untuk menambah perasa kepada makanan. 

Maklumat lanjut:
Restoran Noodles House, 
42, Ground Floor, Blok 4810, CBD Perdana 2
Persiaran Flora
Cyberjaya, Selangor
Dibuka setiap hari pukul 10am-10pm. 

Ulasan ringkas
Harga: 4/5
Kesedapan: 3/5
Layanan: 3/5
Suasana dan kebersihan: 3/5

p/s: tak perlu pergi jauh-jauh ke China untuk makan. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Projek mini

Aku dalam proses nak siapkan projek mini. Tak nak beritahu dulu sebab takut tak jadi. Apa-apa pun, kita tunggu dulu. 

p/s: tunggu ya. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Bebelan pagi

Semakin lama, semakin jarang aku update blog. Bukannya aku tak nak update cuma kadang-kadang aku tak ada idea nak tulis apa. Hari-hari yang aku lalui selama ini, sama je. Lebih-lebih lagi keadaan kereta Myvi aku yang tak tahu bila nak siap? Bila aku check dengan bengkel, habis cepat siap pada hujung bulan ni. What? Lama gila ok. Dah lebih 1 bulan aku tunggu dan selama itulah aku tak bawa kereta. 

Pasal kerja pula, aku rasa nak je tukar department. Bayangkan aku dah 7 tahun bawah department yang sama. Sekali-sekala aku nak juga merasa masuk department lain. Asyik buat kerja yang sama, mana tahan beb. Nak cari tempat kerja lain? Ada lagi ke yang nak terima aku?

Sebenarnya aku dah tak sabar dengan trip plan aku Bali dan yang terbaharu ke Brunei. Eh kebetulan, sama-sama mula dengan huruf B! Setakat ini, ada lagi beberapa perkara yang perlu diuruskan dan paling utama ialah perbaharui pasport. Pasport aku nak tamat tempoh pada bulan April 2014. Alang-alang nak perbaharui pasport, aku nak buat terus 5 tahun. Amik kau. Biar lama sikit dan tak perlu nak pening kepala bila dah tamat tempoh. 

Pergerakan aku agak terbatas sekarang sejak kereta Myvi aku tak ada. Apa-apa pun, bila kereta Myvi aku siap nanti, baru aku dapat uruskan semuanya dengan lebih lancar. Rindunya dengan kereta Myvi aku tu. Kali terakhir aku tengok dia pada awal bulan Februari. Kasihan aku tengok, bumper depan dan belakang kena cabut. Pada masa yang sama, ramai kawan aku beri cadangan untuk beli kereta baru. Amboi nak goda aku ya. Pandai korang. Aku sayang lagi dengan kereta Myvi aku tu. Apa taknya, itulah kereta pertama aku. Banyak betul jasa telah diberikan kepada aku selama hampir 9 tahun bersama-sama. 

Ok, lepas ni aku akan cuba rajin-rajinkan diri untuk update blog. Ya..aku cuba sedaya upaya. Kalau aku lama tak update, jangan  marah ya. 

p/s: marah-marah nanti, kena jual tau. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Plan tak sengaja

Aku tak sengaja beli tiket untuk trip bulan April. Lokasinya boleh tahan menarik dan sebab itulah aku nak tahu kelebihan apa yang ada di sana nanti. 

Cuba teka aku ke mana nanti?  Aku bagi hint sikit ok. 

Lokasi 1

Lokasi 2

p/s: rasa-rasa boleh agak tak? siapa tahu, angkat tangan!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Pilih pintu

Pick the door that looks the most appealing to you. This might reveal a few things about your personality. Let us know what door you picked and if the answer was accurate for you. Feel free to SHARE!

1 - You are a fun individual that likes to keep things light and airy. You are all about nurturing others and appreciating the simple luxuries in life; such as your fine dishware, favorite candle or eating artisan bread from the local bakery. You most likely have a love for traveling and other cultures. You truly want the best for everyone and love creating a welcoming atmosphere. It is important to remember that if you ever feel that you need help or support, it is OK to just ask someone. 

2- You are clean and simple and don’t like any frills. You might strive to have a clean and perfect existence; but is it totally worth it? Don’t you feel that there is something missing? You are all about your personal achievements and you take pride in your work or career. Although you might be on track with your career path or have a few diplomas/ certificates on your wall, you need to spend more time on developing yourself as a person. Remember... the real you. Life is all about creating balance, surrounding yourself with color and creating memorable adventures. If you are finding that you have been taking the safe road lately, try veering off the beaten path. You might surprise yourself!

3 – It is obvious you are a quirky individual and very interesting to the people that you let into your life. You are good at many things... a “Jack or Jill of all trades”. You are an artistic individual that expresses yourself in many ways. You can make something out of anything and are not a stranger to your local thrift shop. You can basically make vintage “new” again. It is easy to get stuck inside the house or inside your urban bubble; but remember that you have to get out and connect with nature. It is time to come down out of the clouds and get grounded!

4 – You are an old soul that can be slightly dramatic. You are a very artistic person that loves to express yourself through writing, music, art or some kind of expression. You are a dichotomy; for you can be very open and friendly, yet closed and deeply private. You often have your guard up, keeping your thoughts and troubles to yourself. Although you might think that nobody will truly understand you, if you allow yourself to open up and share your feelings, you will feel so much better. Deep down you are not aright with any imperfections and you feel the need to come across as “the rock” in any group situation. Know that people are willing to share their feelings with you and want you to share your feelings with them. 

5 – It is very important for you to fit in and feel as though you are a major contributor in every situation. You always have things going on, for being productive is what makes you feel at ease. Your busy-ness can sometimes cause the need for you to become more aware of what is really going on around you. What does your body want you to be doing? It is alright to relax on a Monday and simply just BE. Feel free to take some time to figure out what you really love to do. Possibly try some new hobbies or activities that are out of your normal routine. Explore being you, even if that means relaxing. Life is not just about how many muffins you can make in a single batch or how many fit-it jobs you can do in one day.

6 – You are a confident person with an eye for detail. You can come across as someone who is all together and exciting; yet you are just YOU on the inside. You care about your appearance and how the world sees you, yet the inside your home or car is probably a total mess! Your personality can be self destructive, for you could turn against yourself when the going gets tough. The life of a person who is a living a total contradiction... has got to be a difficult one. Remember to breathe and just relax. Life is not just about pleasing others. Truth is, the world isn’t always watching... Take time to reflect on who you truly want to be? What is it that you truly want to do?

7 – You are a simple minimalist that always has important things to do. You care for others and find your time anything but your own. You surround yourself with meaningful things, for you are very sentimental. Family and friends are very important to you and you would do anything for them. Not putting yourself first has made your life a safe and complacent one. What is it that can enrich your life today? What will make your life more colorful and enjoyable? Even though life gives you labels such as a mother, father, wife, husband, teacher, manager, etc; remember that your life is still YOUR life. Take a moment to decide what you want your future to look like. It is perfectly acceptable to want wonderful things to happen to you. Carpe Diem.

8 – Your fun and playful personality keeps you young and youthful. Although you are easy going, you tend to have lower self-confidence and anxiety about specific things in your life. You are usually unorganized; yet don’t even know where to start to help yourself to fix the messy problem. You are a proud individual but you need to learn to love yourself more. You need to take the time to find yourself through self expression. How are you currently expressing yourself to the world? Remember that there are people around you that can help you, but you need to let them know you are willing to receive help. Life is easier when you let people in.

9 – You are a quirky person that is always making things work. You are an amazing problem solver that prides yourself on your thrifty living. You like to live an uncomplicated life and usually get by with the basics. Why would you need anything else? You are very easy to please and love doing things for others. Whether it be fixing your neighbors toilet, building a bird house for your mother out of reclaimed wood or helping your friend find a great living room set at the thrift shop; you are always there to lend a hand. Remember that life is special. It is OK to treat yourself to amazing things. You are special too!

10 – You are one who truly appreciates stability and wholeness. You are a reliable person that takes pride in their love of quality and detail. Some might say “cookie cutter”, but you say dependable! You always know what you are getting because you have checked the consumer reports. You love safety and security in all parts of your life. You prefer not to have anything frivolous or extra, if you can’t see the use for it. Chances are you have some sort of creative side that you have curbed in some way. You might love scrap-booking, music or art; yet would never try to make it your career. You feel your problems are your own and nobody needs to be burdened with them. Just keep in mind that exposing your true self to the world (or your neighbors) is not a crime. We are all human.

p/s: aku pilih no. 3. macam kena je dengan aku.