Sunday, July 29, 2012

Kasut merah

Aku plan nak pakai kasut merah masa konvo bulan Oktober nanti. Sengaja aku nak tukar style, malas nak pakai kasut yang biasa dan warna gelap. Baju dah ada (warna hijau), tudung pun dah jumpa, cuma tinggal kasut sahaja. Apa? Tak matching? Biarlah...aku suka apa. 

Nak cari kasut yang berkenan memang susah sebab saiz kasut aku yang agak sukar nak cari. Nak buat macamana saiz kasut aku sangat BESAR dan tak semua kedai ada jual saiz istimewa ni. 

Sempat lagi aku cari gambar kasut yang aku berkenan tapi tak tahulah kalau ada saiz aku atau tak. Lagipun tak salah kan kalau nak berangan. Hehehe..

Ada berani ke aku nak pakai boot tu? Errkk??!!

p/s: siapa jumpa kasut merah, beritahu aku ya. 


  1. Hello Mazuriah, yes, wear that red shoes. Its really beautiful. You sure have style and good taste....
    Its really classy too.

    Minta ma'af my bahasa sebelum Merdeka, suda out of tune, so will comment in England talk, ha ha, takut silap nanti get mistaken for marriage proposal, itu la lecheh, kan. Ha ha, just joke joke, ya.

    I like to wish you re your convo, may the wind always be at your back, and the sun upon your face, and the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.

    Good luck, best wishes....go make footprints, the world is waiting for you!
    You keep a song in your heart, have a great time.

  2. Hi Uncle Lee,

    thanks for visiting my blog. waah jauhnya dari canada. it's a bit difficult to find red shoes especially for my size (i'm wearing size 11/12). anyway, i'll keep searching, once i get the shoe, i'll show it to you.

    thanks again. u take care.



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